I am part of the astropy team as Astropy Workshop Coordinator. Our workshop materials are publicly available on GitHub.
I am also a certified Software Carpentry Instructor offering introductory Python lessons. I also host a variety of workshops on software development in astronomy, covering topics like Python for astronomers, astropy, git and GitHub, Python packaging, and more. Here are a few of my past workshops.
Astropy Workshops
- 2023 January 8: AAS Intro to Astropy Workshop
- 2021 June 4: AAS Intro to Astropy Workshop
- 2021 January 6-7: AAS Intro to Astropy Workshop
- 2019 November 21: Queens University Belfast [resources/debrief]
- 2019 November 14: Geneva Observatory [resources/debrief]
- 2019 October 28: University of Bern [resources/debrief]
- 2019 January 6: AAS 233 (Seattle, WA) [resources]
Intro to Python for Astrophysicists Workshops
- 2019 November 10: University of Exeter [resources]
- 2016 September 16: University of Washington [resources]